Traveling gets the creative juices going…Especially Las Vegas!

After my vacation trip to California for my High School Reunion and then the drive out to Las Vegas to spend a few more days, it reminded me of how going to new and/or old familiar sites can help out with my visual scenes instead my head.

Especially Las Vegas!

There was so much to see and do. I haven’t been to Vegas in about 7-8 years, and Man there’s so much that had changed! I don’t think the Monorail was around the last time I went (or at least wasn’t available). And then there’s the Wax Museum and the shows (saw Lion King and KA by Cirque du Soleil). Just walking around in a place full of sites can get your mental juices flowing. Mine did.

But of course, as I’ve said before, writing has slowed a bit again due to life and changes. I have had a lot to do at work and when I get home, I just want to sit down and watch a Netflix movie.

Yet today, I had time to finally sit down and write in my blog. I was getting kind of close to the end of the month and would have missed it, but I had a relaxing night and no late scheduled work hours for today. So I’m all in the clear to write something!

So I’m off going to go do just that.

Until next time 🙂

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