So All Done! Yea for me!!
I also, semi-participated in the National Novel Writing Month 2010 (NaNoWriMo). See my Participate Sticker? Hee. Hee.
NaNoWriMo is basically where you write one 50,000-word novel from scratch in a month’s time–Entire Month of November.
I only wrote 12,826, and that’s adding to the already existing word count of 23,505 (Making a total of 36,331). Considering my limited amount of time these days, I think I did pretty good! Two members of my Speculative Writer’s group were Municipal Liaisons for Houston one year, and they said to me, “Hey, you don’t have to reach the 50,000…just write.” Oh…Definition of the Municipal Liaisons: “local volunteers who help organize NaNoWriMo groups in their hometowns.” I participated from years 2002 thru 2005, and then I stopped only because I knew I could do it and get it done. It wasn’t so exciting for me anymore. But the past few years I began missing it, and I didn’t participate in it because I just didn’t like the fact that I knew I couldn’t meet my word count; but what my friends said to me stuck in my head these past two years, and so I decided to do it this year. With No strings Attached.
So, yeah, 12,826 doesn’t seem much, but it’s a WHOLE lot than I thought I could do. Plus, I got more done on my book Creations. I just have a few more scenes to do, doing it the NaNoWriMo-Way, and then I’ll go back and fluff it up a bit.
Anyway, I had to put something up for the month of November. As usual, I thought I had posted something and at the last minute, I found out I didn’t. Time. Time. Time. I tell ya…
Until Next … uh… Time.