I even created an entirely new website just for these kinds of thoughts of mine, and I wanted to share it with ya’ll.
My novels aren’t the “religous” types, and it they do contain sex–probably too risqué sex scenes for some–(hey, that’s what I write!), but usually, I put some kind of “faith” or “belief” system in them, because that’s a piece of who I am.
So, yeah, I’ve been called a “Heathen” and my Belief “questioned” and also been told that I was “going to Hell” because of my new thought processes about the Bible stories. But, honestly, my Faith has strengthened since my personal research on the stories. And I’m only quoting what’s Biblically written. I’m not saying what’s NOT in there. I’m just telling what IS in there. And, as someone told me, “It’s just YOUR version of interpretation.” Hey, sure. And that applies to every person who tells you anything about the stories in the Bible.
All-in-All…it’s pretty much magical and wonderful to me! And anything magical, ALWAYS has my attention! Heh. Heh.
I’m sticking to my current theology…until something makes it change and proves otherwise. 🙂
If anyone of you guys and dolls decide to take a gander, pre-warning, it’s pretty long winded. Well, let me be honest, it’s VERY long winded. So, if you have an hour (er…well actually a few days), just like reading a book, go take a look and let me know what you think. If you want to comment on what I said, just post it back here on this blog post.
Here’s the link.
Hey Deana,
What a subject I just wandered into. LOL.
I had a really nice, thought out post written up, but you’re spam filter wouldn’t let me post it. 😛
I’m hoping I got that fixed for comments….