That’s where I am.
There’s a lot of writers who’s steam has run out. The Gold Rush for self-publishing, and making lots of money, seemed to almost now end. There’s no longer those amazing, immediate stories out there like there used to be.
Nothing to keep you PUMPED UP!
These days, all the news is about Amazon and its deals, and how all of this will effect the future of the sales and prosperity of the written word. But the world of the distributors and sales, though quite important for today and the future, isn’t as heartfelt, and close to home, as the news and stories of your fellow authors.
Here’s to changing the way of thinking about these days!!
Today, things have just settled down to the normal life of an author, which is being the Lone Self-Publisher. And that’s alright. Just keep remembering to look forward to each completion of the next book, and be happy with, yet again, that one, single, next buy.
And, more importantly, continue to keep the fires burning with socializing with your fellow authors….like NaNoWriMo.
Even with NaNoWriMo, I’m not quite up to par with the word count. I still continue to set my own personal goals, and that would be just to get past that 10,000 word count (which I’ve done. HURRAY!!!). Of course, the main goal is to complete the 50,000 word count by November 31, which is similar to the goal for most authors which is to be famous and/or make a living from writing alone. But sometimes, life makes sidetracks where you can’t quite reach the goal….for now. The main goal is still there, but to get there just might take a bit more struggle and much more hard work…and time.
With time, one does achieve one’s goals.
I did reach the 50,000 word count my first four years; and, at one time I received thousands of downloads of my book; and, at one time, I had a steady buy of three (3) books a month, but that is all now done…for now.
The good days come and go, and they come again. The bottom line is to continue on to reach them all.