Archive for the ‘Self Publish Progress’ Category

2009! and MobiPocket

2009! We’re here!
To be honest, it’s not going to be anything like the number 2010. But I’m just bias being that I’m a Sci Fi fan. Heh. Heh. Plus my 20 year high school class reunion will be that year–2010. Such a round number. Sigh. 20 year reunion. That’s gonna be interesting. My 10 year was definitely worth it. Plus with Facebook (a whole lot better than MySpace, in my opinion), and every month someone is logging in that I haven’t seen in 18-19 years pops in, I think the 20 year reunion might even have more people.

I started off the year updating my WordPress (it’s like the fourth time since I installed it), which took awhile, and cleaning up 500 Spam from my comments (I thought I had the protector on. I’ve activated it now and see if that helps), and calling 911 to have the police get a drunk out of a ditch on the side of the street (he could have gotten run over…passing out like that on the road…too much Merry I suppose, and a very sad way to start of the year) and being a good citizen, 2009 was pretty interesting.

Oh yeah. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I’m sure 2009 now, like every new year, will have something different…that is if you want it to be. I sure my year will be quite interesing with this self-publishing thing.

Back to self-publishing!!


Here’s what I’ve been up to lately. MobiPocket The upcoming new age for books. The ebook! If you go to the main page (Home), down at the very bottom left, there’s a Publishers section, and you click on the “Welcome Page”. It took me a little while to figure out how to get my book on here, but I found it. Then it took me a bit to figure out how to upload. Once I figured that out and viewed my sample copy, I didn’t like it.

Oh. Let’s go back. Start from the beginning.

Everything is free! Which is exactly how I like it. I read the “Welcome Page” created a login and password by clicking the hyperlink “Publisher Application”. I removed my Paypal “Buy Now” button from my webpage since with Mobipocket, you’ll have to complete the “Publisher-Retailer Agreement” form. And that has to be mailed in or faxed in to Paris. Which is more money. So I just took off my Paypal “Buy” button. HOWEVER, Mobipocket uses Paypal to pay your royalties, which means my Business Account under Paypal would still be used.

I downloaded “Mobipocket Creator Publisher Edition” FREE, and then began my learning process. I had to figure out if I wanted to covert my book from the pdf file or the MS Word Document. Either way, I couldn’t SEE what it would look like in an ebook. You have to BUY that part. So what I did was search the site to find a sample of what it SHOULD look like before I upload it to the site. That took awhile to find. But here is how you find it. From the Welcome Page, if you click on any of the hyperlinks: “create or convert your Mobipocket eBooks” or ” Mobipocket cross-platform file format here,” on those pages, on the left-hand side, in the light blue section, there’s a string of other hyperlinks. Click on “Standard ebook” and scroll ALL the way down, you’ll see a Sample to download. It’s Alice in Wonderland. What a perfect example. It had images as well as a Table Of Contents. Perfect. So, I figured out that the entire book had to look like html format like the Alice in Wonderland example, and I made my book pattern to look like their Alice in Wonderland.

I changed my MSWord to html (just do a Save AS” and change the “Save As Type” field to “Web Page (*htm, *html).” I think this conversion recognizes the Page Breaks, so make sure you keep them between your chapters. All the rest of the formats (section breaks, margins, gutter space), you can get rid of and can change to a normal 8×10 paper, just like a normal document–but with a .htm file name instead of the .doc. Keep the Page Breaks though!

After making the htm document, I used the Mobipocket Creater to import. The section: “Import from Existing File” – “HTML document”. Once that’s done, it will create a file under the “Open Recent Publication” section. You’ll see that when you click HOME. But right after it imports, you’ll be directly in the file and on the left side, under the View column, highlighted would be “Publication Files”. So the file is imported. Then click on “Cover image” and upload the cover of your book. Make sure it’s a small size though. Mine was 52kb (Dimensions: 540×800), otherwise it won’t import the picture. I didn’t use Table of Contents, Guide or Book Settings. I had the Table of Contents I created directly in my MSWord document. Plus, I couldn’t’ find instructions on how to use Mobipocket ‘s. Then, I went straight to Metadata. I filled out the fields (make sure the Author filed is last name, firstname), and I put suggested retail price of 6.99, since most of the other books was that price as well. I put a check mark under “Adult only” for my book. Left the publication date, Demo PRC, and Territory Restriction fields blank

Make sure to press the Update button and Save button for each section.

Then on the very top (took me awhile to figure this one out), there’s a BUILD icon. Click that, and I used “Standard Compression” and “Content Encryption with DRM (Digital Rights Management)”, and then click the Build button. Once that’s done. Click the Deply icon of the very top, put in your login and password, and click “Deploy now” button on the very bottom.

And there you go.

Once uploaded, you login back into your account account and click the “Activate ebook,” put a checkmark on it, click the “Activate Selected ebook” which is at the top, light-blue section (that was hard to find), and your book is ready to buy…Immediately. After that, I downloaded Mobipocket eBook Reader 6.2 which is FREE, I just went to my book and downloaded a free sample.

Bad Side–I couldn’t delete the many attempts of uploading and not liking the way the sample look. I simply deactivated that, changed the “Title” to DO NOT USE.” I found out the reason you can’t delete is because if the book has sells, it has to be tracked. Also, for MobiPocket to recognize that you’ve uploaded a different file, make sure the htm file has a different name, otherwise it won’t take the changes.

To deactivate the book, you click “Browse all ebooks,” click your book and take off the checkmark on ” Activate for Retailers -” and this takes it off the shelf from being purchased/bought.

My book The Made: The Calling Series at Mobipocket is here

I still don’t quite like the way the sample looks with my pictures…but oh well.

The Made is here!

So I ordered a copy of my book from LuLu. I’ve made it private so only I could see it. Unfortunately, I had to pay $19.77 for it ($13.64 for the book and $6.13 for shipping). I changed my royalty to $0.0 (zero), so I wouldn’t be paying myself back my own money. But the price… $19.77, even with out royalty. That’s just so high. And for me to get any royalty would make it even higher. Sigh. Even I wouldn’t want to pay for a book for THAT much.

What to do. What to do.

Hopefully the ebook would be much cheaper than print. But I understand the printing company has to get paid too.

Well, I found a few mistakes in the book that I need to correct, and my maps were very light, and not easy to see. I’ll have to try to darken them up a bit and see how that works. Some of the book cover was chopped of just a bit and, just a bit, went on the spine. Once I figure that all out, then I’ll have to pay for the $19.77 again to make sure the print comes out ok. And hopefully that will be for the final time.


What we do for self publishing.

Anyway, I also bought some T-Shirts and a cap, flyers and some posters, that I ordered from Vista Print where I uploaded my book cover. I also bought magnets with the book cover on it and that also had the 2009 calendar. I’ll send out the magnets to my family and friends along with my Christmas letter. It looks great! But it was a bit too long for a normal size envelope. Thank goodness it had a lot of white space where I just had to cut a bit of both ends and PRESTO it fits! The hubby bought me a nice cutter so that the lines would be straight. Cutting with scissors didn’t look so well. The magnets, however, were very easy to cut since they’re so thin, but not too thin to look cheap. They’re just right.

So, I’m off to figuring out more on getting my book to look better.

It was just so NEAT to see it in print though. The hubby said, “Wow. It looks like a real book!” And yes it did. The print was very nice! And to see it “looking like a real book…” what a wonderful feeling.

Lulu, CreateSpace, Lightning Source.. Oh my!

Yeah. So many choices. So many things to do.

I’m still researching and researching on where and who to print my books. Do I want to print locally? Have the books sitting here in my house and deal with all the labels and shipping and packaging? Do I want to use a Print-On-Demand company…but not to publish it. Just to print.

I’ve first scratched off Xlibris, iUniverse, AuthorHouse, etc, because of the upfront fees, and I’ve already put in the money for what they charge for editor, cover design, ISBN, etc. Plus, If I was going to go with some of their packages, I might as well have the book printed locally and ship it out myself, which might equal the same amount as the packages.

I’ve wavered around Lulu, CreateSpace, Lightning Source, and Booksurge(which is Createspace as well, or also just owned by Amazon?). I hear a lot of great things about LuLu, of course, but, again, to sell a book with no upfront fees forces the book’s price very high. Who wants to buy a $25.00 book? And Lightning Source has the Ingram edge, other places to distribute your book to, and CreateSpace only has its store and Amazon.

I’ve also learned that if I wanted to make some updates to the book, for some reason, Lightning Source charges an arm and leg, while CreateSpace is considerably lower. So some people have created the design and book on CreateSpace and moved them to Lightning Source since they use the exact file format on some paper weight/styles. Then there’s the “hassle” of working with Lightning Source as an independent author, yet in the long run, you get back more royalties.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

Thus, it looks like people use multiple places to have their books printed and available.

And, as you can tell, Self Publishing is a lot of out-of-pocket expenses. But, like I said before, I spent $22,000 on wedding and honeymoon with someone I love, so why not spend some bucks on something I love.

When I figure out where I want to go and what I want to do…you’ll be the first to know.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

My first steps to Self Publishing

Here is a list of the first things I did when starting to Self Publish

The reason I decided to Self Publish was because I wanted to get more involved with my books, and plus, honestly, I didn’t want to wait on the slush pile. I did the research online on all the cons of self publishing and how it has a certain stigma, but I figure, if I could spend thousands of dollars for a wedding which is ONE DAY, for someone that I love, why can’t I do just as much time and effort on something that I love. It is said not to think about making a profit or being a big time Best Seller, though we all dream of such things. I have come to a decision to at least TRY. So…here I am, and I’m going to try. I’ll put in the effort, do the research, and stumble my way to selling my books. And if I just get a few strangers to buy and actually like it, that would be wonderful to me.

Step 1 – Write the Book
Of course is to write your book. Some people have a problem with this first step, but since I’ve been writing since I was 12 years old, not novels mind you, but writing period. My first novel took a few years, and the 2nd took exactly 1 year. The rest, NaNoWriMo helped me on that. National Novel Writing Month was great! You just write and write. You don’t worry about grammer or spelling or anything mechanical. Just write. This helped me with books 3-5.

Step 2 – Copyright
I’ve sent my books off to the CopyRight Office. Not one at a time, but I lumped them all together on one CD as I completed them, along with my short stories. In this way, I saved money for each of them. When my books are completed in paperback format, I’ll have to research how to send in for copyright then. But I saw you can do it electronically now. When I did them it was still in paper format. CopyRight Office.

Step 3 – ISBN
Since I’m planning to continue writing more books, and I have five (5) already, I went ahead and purchased the block of 10 ISBN numbers from U.S. ISBN Agency. It cost me $275.00. I didn’t buy the barcode since I found out I could get it done for free here. You can buy indiviudal ISBN numbers, however for $125.00. There are some companies who offers ISBN in their packages, but make sure, from what I’ve researched, that you own the ISBN number and not the company.

Step 4 – Editor
I found my Editor on Guru. And I also asked for them for editting samples. There are those who are reluctant to do that because there are people who just try to get free services. But if you explain that you just want 1 sheet editted to make a decision on who you want to edit your book, some will agree to do that for you. I found that it was easy for me to figure out which editor I would like to edit my book with how they editted the sample. I’m in the middle of this stage with editting my first book of The Calling Series: The Made. This is costing me $700.00

Step 5 – Book Cover
I’m in the middle of this step, but I did some research. I found someone to do the art and current after the 1st and 2nd draft, we’re not into coloring now. I also found a Book Cover designer on Guru as well. This is costing me $400.00

Step 6 – Blogging
This is the step I doing now. Heh. Heh. And I’m just started but it’s going to help me stay encourage as I go along.

Step 7 – DBA
Went to the County office and picked up a DBA (“Doing Business As”). In Houston, Texas, I had to look for “Assumed Name” however. I got one for my pen name, seeing that I’m into writing steamy Romance novels; but it’s not for being anonymous. Can’t be if you’re famous. But it will help so that the guys in the suit don’t walk to my office and say, “Uh…your image…” LOL!. I got an Assumed Name for a publishing company as well…just in case I need it. I didn’t add the word “Publishing” so that I can use it for anything I might want to in the future. I’ll just add “A Publishing Company” if that is what I will use it for. I’ll have both names for 10 years and then I’ll have to renew.

Step 8 – Promoting Online
I’m simply gathering information on promoting online and the kosher way of doing this. I don’t want to spam bulletin boards or blogs with “Buy my Book…Please!” LOL! But I’ve learned if you honestly add you input in areas, and have your signature with you website, then you don’t look so selfish.

So that’s where I am so far. I’ll add more as I get to these few steps and tell you the yeahs and nays of my progress. I continue to research other steps at places such as So You Need to Publish Your Book, and watch other authors doing to same as:
Michael R. Hicks (Kreelan Warrior).
Write it! Publish it! Market it!

I actually put in a order for Michael Hick’s book, and if I’ve done that just by researching other authors self publishing, I’m sure other readers and writers (who are also readers) would probably do the same here. And the word would spread.
Until next time….