Amazon! Here I am!

Hurray! I’m officially on Amazon!  So cool!

Price? Being self-published, Print-On-Demand, of course, price is high; and the same as on CreateSpace, $19.50, then you have to pay for shipping and handling. But hey, Amazon makes my book look legit.  Hmmm. Legit. That makes me want to sing.

Too legit… Too legit to quit (hey…hey…)
Too legit… Too legit to quit…(hey…)
Too legit… Too legit to quit (too legit…)
Too legit… too legit to quit…

LOL!  Ok. I’m overly happy right now. MC Hammer. Showing my age. Heh. Heh. But that should be the theme song for all of us Self-Publishers.  Takes a lot to do all this work, and putting in all this time, to make one’s dream come true.

I’m still considering Lightning Source. I know. I’m slow. But doing all of this work up til now (designing websites, uploading blog site, creating illustrations for my book, editing book, formatting book, updating website, updating website, updating website, research, research, research, research and more research), I guess I’m taking a little break. ‘Cause there’s a lot more to do!

My book on Amazon can be found here. I have to make sure to keep up with that link though. Never know when it might change or update.

Ok. I wanna go back to singing again. Heh. Heh.

Till Next time…!

Too legit… Too legit to quit (hey…hey…)
Too legit… Too legit to quit…(hey…)
Too legit… Too legit to quit (too legit…)
Too legit… too legit to quit…


CreateSpace is Finished! And More on MobiPocket and Amazon

Wow! I’m done!
CreateSpace was really helpful with that big ISBN mistake. PLUS, they put an ISBN barcode on the book themselves, where as with LuLu, I had to place a picture of the ISBN that I got from Tux. Tux’s barcode was a great picture and looked ok, but CreateSpace looked clearer when it printed out. Did I mention about getting a Barcode for free? Yep. It worked great. Now if it scans well, who knows. But my book isn’t in bookstores–just online.

CreateSpace had a message saying that it would take like 3 weeks or something for me to receive the proof of my book. It didn’t take that long at all! I ordered it on Jan 12th, and it came in by Jan 16th. Not bad at all! As for the cost of the proof. See below for my 447 page book. Oh! 448. CreateSpace added an extra page automatically because they need an even number of pages.
Order Total:
Subtotal: $10.46
Shipping: $6.55
Tax: $0.00
Total: $17.01

The price is cheaper than Lulu’s but the book itself is much more expensive to by off of their website: $19.50, and then there’s the shipping and handling to go along with it.


But at least it’s done.

Actually there wasn’t much different. The front cover of LuLu’s was a bit sharper for my bookcover. So I liked LuLu’s cover better, but you really can’t tell that much of a difference. (Oh yeah. The bookcover issue with CreateSpace. I just sent them the 6×9 pdf file that my book cover designer had create for me and they accepted that. It was great!) CreateSpace didn’t bleed slightly over from the front to the binding like LuLu, and the Title was printed in the middle of the Binder, whereas LuLu’s was more to the left edge and not centered. I think with LuLu that had something to do with my uploading my picture and doing that all myself. Oh well. It’s still decent.

I Like CreateSpace’s interior print. The paper is a bit darker than LuLu’s, but both LuLu and CreateSpace printed my illustrations wonderfully. CreateSpace did send me messages multiple times that the dpi of my interior pictures was 98 and that they suggest 300 dpi. Well, I couldn’t figure out how to change it, and since LuLu’s printed fine, I just said, “What the heck,” and I left it alone. Came out just the same!

My book on CreateSpace can be found here. Now when it shows up on Amazon, should be within 15 business days, is what the site says.

Amazon sent me an email (from to complete a form to allow my ebook to be sold on their site. So that will be the famous Kindle. The bad news is that you either have to fax the form to them or mail it in to Seattle, WA. I don’t have long distance on my phone, but I do have a fax machine, so I had to use 10+10+321 to fax it out which is 20cents per call. And I had to do it twice since my fax machine went haywire the first time. Even then, I’m not sure if my fax worked right to send it to them. My fax report said it went OK. But who knows. That was on Jan 11th. So I scanned the document that I signed and emailed digitalright to let them know that I did fax them the signed form and attached a pdf of the same form to the email. I sent that yesterday Jan 17th, so I’m sure I won’t get a response until one of the work days this week.

Well…since the prices on LuLu and CreateSpace, and I’m thinking even on Amazon when it gets there, is going to be high up there for people to buy my book, I’m thinking of looking into Lightning Source – The Power of One. I haven’t done much research on the company, but I did read that completing all of the criteria for them is a bit hard. But they have great Distribution resources. For Print-On-Demand they have: Ingram, Barnes & Nobles, Baker & Taylor, NACSCORP, and of course Amazon. And there there’s the UK places as well. So that will be 4 more places where my book can be sold besides Amazon.

So, I’m still debating on Lightning Source, but I’ll be sure to let you know of my decision. 🙂


So now from LuLu to CreateSpace. I created a login and password on CreateSpace

And I’m so glad I went ahead and got a DBA (“Doing Business As”), or in Houston it’s called “Assumed Name” and also opened a bank account with my pen name. With CreateSpace you’re gonna need one, plus your Tax-ID which can also be your Social Security Number, but your Bank Account paperwork will have the Tax-ID information on it.

BIG MISTAKE ON BOOK! CreateSpace sent me a message stating some errors on my book. For some ODD reason, I put in one ISDN number in the inside and a different number on the back cover of the book, the barcode, which was the correct one. I had to go back to BowerLink to find out which ISDN number I had used out of the block of ten that I purchased! I’m so glad CreateSpace caught that!!

Plus they said the resolution for my illustrations wasn’t strong enough. But I had it published on LuLu, so I don’t know what I should do about that. They didn’t say anything about the BookCover format, which I was a bit worried because the template they provide for the BookCover, after converting it to pdf, it had a huge white space around it. I couldn’t get it off. So I left it hoping that it would be ok. The 2nd mistake was that I didn’t upload that cover. I uploaded the book twice. DUH!. So I made the correction suggested (beside the dpi resolution of the pictures), updated the interior of the book with the CORRECT ISBN. Then I had to go back to Mobipocket, deactivate to re-upload of yet another file, and uploaded a new one with the correct ISBN number. I’m thinking CreateSpace might have a problem with the Book Cover. If so, I’ll just send the one I’ve uploaded for LuLu and see if that will work for them.


All in the fun of self-publishing! I tell ya!


The same day I did the Mobipocket thingy, I copyrighted my entire book. ELECTRONICALLY!! Before, I had to mail in a diskette and then years later a CD, I’ve copyrighted my writings and the price has gone from $25.00 to $35.00 to $45.00 and now electronically it’s back to $35.00. It was quite easy. I sent the entire .pdf file which included my illustrations and book cover. You just create a login and password on the eCo Online System. They have all the questions you need and I put in my credit card for the charge. All done! My books have all been copyrighted before (I lumped all my stories under one (1) copyright number to save money at the time, and decided to have separate one for each book later on) and, online, it has a Pre-register section and you can put your ID in it just to let them know you’ve done it already. But I did the copyright thing again, just so I can have a 2009 date for my book, to make it officially published for the New Year.

2009! Here it comes!

2009! and MobiPocket

2009! We’re here!
To be honest, it’s not going to be anything like the number 2010. But I’m just bias being that I’m a Sci Fi fan. Heh. Heh. Plus my 20 year high school class reunion will be that year–2010. Such a round number. Sigh. 20 year reunion. That’s gonna be interesting. My 10 year was definitely worth it. Plus with Facebook (a whole lot better than MySpace, in my opinion), and every month someone is logging in that I haven’t seen in 18-19 years pops in, I think the 20 year reunion might even have more people.

I started off the year updating my WordPress (it’s like the fourth time since I installed it), which took awhile, and cleaning up 500 Spam from my comments (I thought I had the protector on. I’ve activated it now and see if that helps), and calling 911 to have the police get a drunk out of a ditch on the side of the street (he could have gotten run over…passing out like that on the road…too much Merry I suppose, and a very sad way to start of the year) and being a good citizen, 2009 was pretty interesting.

Oh yeah. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I’m sure 2009 now, like every new year, will have something different…that is if you want it to be. I sure my year will be quite interesing with this self-publishing thing.

Back to self-publishing!!


Here’s what I’ve been up to lately. MobiPocket The upcoming new age for books. The ebook! If you go to the main page (Home), down at the very bottom left, there’s a Publishers section, and you click on the “Welcome Page”. It took me a little while to figure out how to get my book on here, but I found it. Then it took me a bit to figure out how to upload. Once I figured that out and viewed my sample copy, I didn’t like it.

Oh. Let’s go back. Start from the beginning.

Everything is free! Which is exactly how I like it. I read the “Welcome Page” created a login and password by clicking the hyperlink “Publisher Application”. I removed my Paypal “Buy Now” button from my webpage since with Mobipocket, you’ll have to complete the “Publisher-Retailer Agreement” form. And that has to be mailed in or faxed in to Paris. Which is more money. So I just took off my Paypal “Buy” button. HOWEVER, Mobipocket uses Paypal to pay your royalties, which means my Business Account under Paypal would still be used.

I downloaded “Mobipocket Creator Publisher Edition” FREE, and then began my learning process. I had to figure out if I wanted to covert my book from the pdf file or the MS Word Document. Either way, I couldn’t SEE what it would look like in an ebook. You have to BUY that part. So what I did was search the site to find a sample of what it SHOULD look like before I upload it to the site. That took awhile to find. But here is how you find it. From the Welcome Page, if you click on any of the hyperlinks: “create or convert your Mobipocket eBooks” or ” Mobipocket cross-platform file format here,” on those pages, on the left-hand side, in the light blue section, there’s a string of other hyperlinks. Click on “Standard ebook” and scroll ALL the way down, you’ll see a Sample to download. It’s Alice in Wonderland. What a perfect example. It had images as well as a Table Of Contents. Perfect. So, I figured out that the entire book had to look like html format like the Alice in Wonderland example, and I made my book pattern to look like their Alice in Wonderland.

I changed my MSWord to html (just do a Save AS” and change the “Save As Type” field to “Web Page (*htm, *html).” I think this conversion recognizes the Page Breaks, so make sure you keep them between your chapters. All the rest of the formats (section breaks, margins, gutter space), you can get rid of and can change to a normal 8×10 paper, just like a normal document–but with a .htm file name instead of the .doc. Keep the Page Breaks though!

After making the htm document, I used the Mobipocket Creater to import. The section: “Import from Existing File” – “HTML document”. Once that’s done, it will create a file under the “Open Recent Publication” section. You’ll see that when you click HOME. But right after it imports, you’ll be directly in the file and on the left side, under the View column, highlighted would be “Publication Files”. So the file is imported. Then click on “Cover image” and upload the cover of your book. Make sure it’s a small size though. Mine was 52kb (Dimensions: 540×800), otherwise it won’t import the picture. I didn’t use Table of Contents, Guide or Book Settings. I had the Table of Contents I created directly in my MSWord document. Plus, I couldn’t’ find instructions on how to use Mobipocket ‘s. Then, I went straight to Metadata. I filled out the fields (make sure the Author filed is last name, firstname), and I put suggested retail price of 6.99, since most of the other books was that price as well. I put a check mark under “Adult only” for my book. Left the publication date, Demo PRC, and Territory Restriction fields blank

Make sure to press the Update button and Save button for each section.

Then on the very top (took me awhile to figure this one out), there’s a BUILD icon. Click that, and I used “Standard Compression” and “Content Encryption with DRM (Digital Rights Management)”, and then click the Build button. Once that’s done. Click the Deply icon of the very top, put in your login and password, and click “Deploy now” button on the very bottom.

And there you go.

Once uploaded, you login back into your account account and click the “Activate ebook,” put a checkmark on it, click the “Activate Selected ebook” which is at the top, light-blue section (that was hard to find), and your book is ready to buy…Immediately. After that, I downloaded Mobipocket eBook Reader 6.2 which is FREE, I just went to my book and downloaded a free sample.

Bad Side–I couldn’t delete the many attempts of uploading and not liking the way the sample look. I simply deactivated that, changed the “Title” to DO NOT USE.” I found out the reason you can’t delete is because if the book has sells, it has to be tracked. Also, for MobiPocket to recognize that you’ve uploaded a different file, make sure the htm file has a different name, otherwise it won’t take the changes.

To deactivate the book, you click “Browse all ebooks,” click your book and take off the checkmark on ” Activate for Retailers -” and this takes it off the shelf from being purchased/bought.

My book The Made: The Calling Series at Mobipocket is here

I still don’t quite like the way the sample looks with my pictures…but oh well.

The Made is here! 4

So I ordered a copy of my book from LuLu. I’ve made it private so only I could see it. Unfortunately, I had to pay $19.77 for it ($13.64 for the book and $6.13 for shipping). I changed my royalty to $0.0 (zero), so I wouldn’t be paying myself back my own money. But the price… $19.77, even with out royalty. That’s just so high. And for me to get any royalty would make it even higher. Sigh. Even I wouldn’t want to pay for a book for THAT much.

What to do. What to do.

Hopefully the ebook would be much cheaper than print. But I understand the printing company has to get paid too.

Well, I found a few mistakes in the book that I need to correct, and my maps were very light, and not easy to see. I’ll have to try to darken them up a bit and see how that works. Some of the book cover was chopped of just a bit and, just a bit, went on the spine. Once I figure that all out, then I’ll have to pay for the $19.77 again to make sure the print comes out ok. And hopefully that will be for the final time.


What we do for self publishing.

Anyway, I also bought some T-Shirts and a cap, flyers and some posters, that I ordered from Vista Print where I uploaded my book cover. I also bought magnets with the book cover on it and that also had the 2009 calendar. I’ll send out the magnets to my family and friends along with my Christmas letter. It looks great! But it was a bit too long for a normal size envelope. Thank goodness it had a lot of white space where I just had to cut a bit of both ends and PRESTO it fits! The hubby bought me a nice cutter so that the lines would be straight. Cutting with scissors didn’t look so well. The magnets, however, were very easy to cut since they’re so thin, but not too thin to look cheap. They’re just right.

So, I’m off to figuring out more on getting my book to look better.

It was just so NEAT to see it in print though. The hubby said, “Wow. It looks like a real book!” And yes it did. The print was very nice! And to see it “looking like a real book…” what a wonderful feeling.

Book Covers

I wanted to show you the progress of my books covers. I didn’t provide much detail and the relationships between the characters to give my Book Cover Designer the idea of what I was looking for. Because of that, the alien looked pretty scary and too alien.



So then I told her what that it was a romance book and I wanted an alien with a six-pack. LOL! I know, I told her, sounds funny, but that’s what I was looking for. Also, I wanted the little girl to be in the background since she was an observer. Oh, and two moons. And change the dress since the other one, though nice, was not the futuristic kind of Maid outfit I was looking for. I sent her a model of a dress and also a picture of a castle that I thought it could kind of look like that I got off the internet after some searching.

dress and castle

She was great with all of my suggestions. She then sent this.



And this was perfect! So I waited for the coloring.



This was great! And I wanted to add a bit more greenish glow to the girl and gave her the wording for the back of the book and I got my final.



And I just loved it!

My Back Cover Wording

Emera’s tale is nothing close to Cinderella’s. Her prince covets only her pheromones, which is necessary for him to live.

With each night of ecstasy, Emera feels herself falling for her alien lover until a night of strange, hungering desires begin to haunt her, changing Emera into something neither Human nor Wendh. Before Emera is given answers, however, she is forced to separate from him.

Alone for the first time in her life, Emera must learn to control her Wendh gifts until she can make her way back to her prince.

During her journey, she learns the precarious joys of freedom as she is joined by Tokie — an ancient, impish being who dwells in the form of an angelic child. Together they discover that Emera’s very life is the key to saving a lost love between a king and his queen, stopping a war between a father and his son, and changing the social order between Wendhs and Humans — master and slave.

So there you have it. My journey for the Book Cover Design and it’s details. It was definitely more than I had bargained for (she was wonderful!), and definitely better than my imagination.

See the future post for Irid’s Book Cover design steps.
See future post for Ruby, Flesh and Heart Cover design steps.
See the future post for The 9th Symbol steps.

How to format your Book – MSWord

NOTE: Want to watch an Instruction Video for the below that has a template? Just go to Deana Zhollis Writing Tools.

Sigh. Another milestone that I had to accomplish. Formatting my book.

I remember, somewhere in my mental database, authors complaining about page numbering and book layouts. I thought, “No big deal.” I’m pretty good with MSWord and such. Shouldn’t be any problems.


I can’t tell you how many hours and hours I spent trying to get my book to layout the way it’s suppose to. I never knew it could be so complicated. Hopefully I can remember all of my steps.

LuLu doesn’t really give you the “start pages” information–at least I didn’t see it with my quick overview. So, I pulled down five (5) books from my bookshelf and took a look at what they had, and on what pages. Every book was different. One might have a small snippet of the book on the very first page, while others had prologues on third or fifth page. Some had review quotes on the very first page, and other had the title of the book. So, basically, I had to just pick what I wanted. I put my beginning pages for my book in this order:

  • Page 1 – A snippet of the story
  • Page 2 – Copyright information, book designer, ISBN, “this book is fiction” info
  • Page 3 – Dedication
  • Page 4-6 – Illustrations
  • Page 7 – Table of Contents (go here on how to created on in MSWord)
  • Page 8 – blank
  • Page 9 – Book title

This part I’m not quite sure about since my book is so big. I’m not sure if I formatted for printing correctly. I’ll find out once I order my book and it comes in the mail. LuLu gives you some general information, and that all depends on the size of the book, so for my 461 pages (this page number counted changed several times–more on that later), I went on the internet and found some general information and Under FILE > PAGE SETUP formatted liked this.

  • Margins: Top, Bottom, Right, Left – All to 0.5
  • Gutter: .25 (This is the crease of the book)
  • Multiple page: Mirror margins
  • Paper size: Width 6″ and Height 9″
  • Layout: Section Start: Odd Page
  • Checked Different odd and even
  • Checked Different First page
  • From edge: Header 0.25″ and Footer 0.5″

Make sure to Apply to “Whole Document” for each tab of the Page Layout

  • FORMAT > PARAGRAPH…First Line Indent .25
  • Font Style: Palatino Linotype and Font Size: 12
  • Modify Heading 1 Style to have:
  • Paragraph: Alignment: Center
  • Hanging 1.2″
  • Spacing Before: 12pt and After: 6pt
  • Font Style: Palatino Linotype and Bold and Font Size: 14
  • Line Spacing: Single

I mostly got this format from the small publishing site called Trafford, but it’s not longer on their page.

Now, you remember the first list of pages on Step 1? After each page I put in a section break. After the “snippet” I put in INSERT > BREAK > EVEN PAGE. Remember, a book has a left and right side, so you have to tell MSWord how you want the pages to appear. You can just put Page Breaks and try to get the pages to line up right, but that’s pretty cumbersome to deal with. The very first page has to be on the right side, the ODD PAGE, so the PAGE SETUP makes sure of that. However, the Section Break (Even Page) makes sure the next page is on the EVEN PAGE. I had to alternate the Section break from Odd to Even for the first few pages before I got to my chapters, and then at the end of each chapter I enter a Section Break (Odd Page), to make sure all of my chapters begin on the right side of the book. To View how it would look, you have to see it in PRINT PREVIEW, and then select to see multiple pages.

This was a real pain to figure out

I initially had my book in Courier and double-space, your know, for sending it out the traditional way to publishing houses, as well as LEFT JUSTIFIED. But then I had to figure out the font I wanted to use for printing, and had to change the paragraphs to JUSTIFIED, as well as taking out the double-space after the period and inserting a single-space. I must be old to not know that we don’t need to double-space anymore. Sigh. The things we learn. So, I started off with Lulu, since my research said it was the easiest to use to get your feet wet. Not too easy! If LuLu is easy, then I hope I have enough experience there to go to CreateSpace!

Well, anyway, LuLu had a great section on book formatting, and basically gave me three choices of font: Garamond, Times New Roman and Palatino (there were others, but those were the basics). Well, then I started playing around with the fonts, and since I had a lot of italics, I had to pick a font that was readable in italics. Well, I started with Garamond, which was cool, but not so cool with italics. Times New Roman just didn’t look right to me, and so I went to Palatino, but in my MS Word I had Palatino Linotype. So, I figured that was the same thing. But I had different styles and fonts all over the place, even though I used Select All and changed the font to a universal one. LuLu still thought that there were fonts there that I knew I wasn’t using when I tried to upload. So I had to learn how to EMBED the font into my pdf file. This makes it so that if a document had a font that isn’t on someone’s PC then the PC can still read it. Fortunately for me, I have Adobe Converter, but for those who don’t, they find places for free like PDF2Go that converts to up to 100mb here without needing to purchase Adobe.

I also downloaded CutePDF which can convert jpg and almost anying to pdf by simply opening the jpg in your normal software (Like Microsoft Office Picture Manager or GIMP), select the FILE > PRINT, and change your printer to CutePDF Writer and it will convert it to pdf. And that software is FREE!! I also downloaded it from NiNite that has all kinds of neat stuff, including GIMP .

So embedding fonts directly into the document using these instructions got me half way there. It still didn’t recognize my fonts when I tried to upload, and then I found out there’s a NEVER EMBED section, that I had to take out all the fonts in there and convert my MSWord to pdf again.

Converting from MSWord to pdf, I tell you, takes some time. About 5-10 minutes for my PC. It might have been more if I had a slower PC.
And uploading takes even more time, 42 minutes LuLu told me, but on Thanksgiving, late in the evening, it took no time. So I would suggest uploading on non-peak hours.

You can created a barcode like places that have barcode generators like here and used GIMP to edit it and put it on my book cover. It looks a bit too big on the back of the book, but making it smaller diminished the print. So, when I do get the book, I’ll take a look at it. I found the size of a barcode, which they say is: 2.938″ wide x 2.04″, but like I said, using the free barcode converter, shrinking the size didn’t look too good.

You have to upload your book cover separate, and also in pdf format, not picture format, for LuLu. Since my book cover was in jpg, and I already had Adobe, I just open the jpg in Adobe and it automatically converted. But as I said, you can also install CutePDF and print it out as a pdf file (Did I mention that software was free. Heh.Heh.). Also, I had to resize the image to LuLu’s standards, which they give an example of a 6″ by 9″ book will need an image 6.125″ by 9.25″. But, again, since my book has so many pages, my size was 956.25 X 666, suggested by LuLu, but GIMP (remember, GIMP is free) converted it to 956.6 X 664.8. LuLu took that size just fine though. I didn’t have to do all this since my book designer is going to provide the formats and files for my book so I could use, but I wanted the experience on doing all of this just in case I needed it.

Remember all those section breaks? Well that really helps with my Header. I went to the second page after my first chapter title and put in the author’s name. Author’s name will run on the even page numbers. Then I went to the fourth page and enter the book’s title, and that will run on the odd page numbers. This is setup on the FILE > PAGE SETUP where I put a checked mark by “Different odd and even and check mark by “Different First page”. The “Different First page” allows for each first page of a chapter (remember, separated by Odd Page Section breaks) so that a page number is not printed. I wanted to have each chapter with the Chapter’s name on the Odd page, but with the numbering issue, needing it to continually run chronologically just in case I had to add more or delete more text, having separate Chapter names effected my page number since each section had to be different from previous section. I left it as simple as possible with the running Title and running Author Name. I inserted a page number, using the Header and Footer toolbar, and then clicked the Format Page Number, and changed the Page Numbering to start at 1. I had to start at 1 in order for 2 to show up. If I wanted the page to star with the number 1, I would have had to put in a zero (0). After a few trail and errors of making sure the Header was, or was not, “Linked to Previous” section I finally got it. It’s doesn’t make since though, since my 2nd page is “Linked to Previous” section and though it shows the title of the author in “Header and Footer” right after my Table of Contents, when I’m out of that mode, it doesn’t show but where I want it. Go figure. But I did have to go to each chapter and make sure the Page Numbering had “Continue from previous section” instead of “Start at” where each chapter started with page number 2

Now, just waiting for LuLu to give me the ok, to order my book. In the mean time, I went to and registered my ISBN, and hope that everything works out okay with the first print.

Novel almost there and Buggin’ Book Companies

The Calling Series: The Made. Almost done, says the editor. We have seven (7) more chapters left to edit, which should be completed by the end of November. And also around that time, the first coloring of the book should be done. $700 for the Editor and $400 for the Book Cover. And it has been worth it!

I’m just so excited about my first printed novel and can’t wait to see it in paper-back form. Perhaps LuLu or CreateSpace just to start off and get my feet wet. No initial upfront cost to me, from what I understand from online research, but I’ll let you know when I get into that process.

You know, I put inquiries in for Xlibris and Author House and they don’t give up when you tell them you’re no longer interested. My goodness. Especially Xlibris, who keeps calling about new “deals” for my book. Not to mention the emails that keep coming even after I replied and said I was no longer interested. I guess that’s good a salesperson for ya. Don’t take no for an answer. But it’s buggin’!

So, think twice about given these people your email and phone number. They will definitely harass you to death. That makes me think again that it’s the author’s money that make them profitable, and not readers.

They say they can advertise and send out book promotional packages for you, and all of these things, but I wonder if the companies, or people they send this information to, become numb. Do they see another Xlibris envelope and just put it aside as just another promotional item and stick it on the slush pile? Makes me wonder if anyone ever got someone’s attention with one of these companies speaking for them. You never can say never. I’m sure there are people out there who have worked with these companies and have done great. I just see a big WARNING! flash every time I hear their message about another “great deal.”


The suspense is finally over and now we have to wait and see, and hope, what can be accomplished.

President-elect Barack Obama.

Man! It was quiet at the office today. Houston, Texas. I could feel the intensity of negative and positive swirling in the air. What can people say? What can people not say?

We shall see…for he will be our President…too.