I know…kind of a flaky answers, but it’s true.
You don’t really need a separate ISBN number if you’re just selling from your own webpage, and not really for Kindle or the Nook either; but for distribution to Sony and Apple, you’ll need one. These companies need the ISBN number to keep track of the novels, and there’s a difference between eBooks and Paperbacks, just like comparing buying a banana to a cucumber. Each fruit needs it’s own “barcode”.
So, for a wide range of distribution, your ONE novel will need TWO ISBN numbers: one (1) for paperback and one (1) for eBook. Buying a Block of ten (10) from Bowker would help if you have multiple books. It’s a lot more expensive to buy a single one for each book.
I bought a block of ten (10) in 2008 and put a side note to use seven (7) of them. Then, I had to buy another block of ten (10) in 2011 for the eBooks because I wanted to get in Apple and Sony. There was a pull-down menu with a listing of what type that the ISBN number will be assigned to. I simply selected “multiple format.” Don’t select “Kindle” because Smashwords won’t accept an ISBN number assigned for Kindle. And I didn’t select “ePub” either because I wanted the digital copy to have all formats. So “multeple format” is what I picked to cover all my basis. Keeping track of 20 ISBN numbers kinda sucks…but hey….gottah do it.
After I got the ISBN for my eBooks, I then went back to Amazon KDP and placed it there as well as updated my information for Smashword to have it as well (On your Dashboard, look to the left side and you’ll see ISBN Manager).
Below I’ve copied/pasted what Amazon and Smashword has to say when I filled out the forms to upload my eBooks.
For Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for example, they state for the ISBN field:
If your product has an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), enter it here. If not, you can skip this field. Note that this field should not be used to enter the ISBN of the print edition of this book. |
Do I need an ISBN to publish on Smashwords? No, you don’t need an ISBN, although your book will be more successful if you have one. Why? If your book is in the Premium Catalog, it must have an ISBN if you want your book distributed to Sony and Apple. An ISBN number also increases the discoverability of your book, and yields additional marketing benefits such as getting your book listed in more online catalogs and databases. What is an ISBN number? Do all Smashwords Retailers Require an ISBN? After I add my ISBN, do I need to add it to the copyright page and re-upload my book? I already have an ISBN for my print book. Can I use it with Smashwords? |
There you go. Also Smaswords will give you a FREE ISBN (did I saw the “F” word again?). But please note that you can not use their ISBN just anywhere and keep it for yourself. They own it and letting you use it for the companies that need ISBN numbers (like Sony and Apple) that they work with. For me, it is better to just own my own so there will be no conflicts.
Hope this helps out with a major question on eBooks and ISBNs!
Until Next Time 🙂