Posts Tagged ‘how to make a novel’

Template to format your MSWord Novel to Kindle

I’ve put together how my book was constructed for the Kindle. I used the preview in Kindle to make sure it looks okay.

NOTE: Want to watch an Instruction Video for the below that has a template? Just go to Deana Zhollis Writing Tools.

The first step for the html programming I found on Critique Circle. I’m not a member. I actually was looking for something else and found this nifty way of getting your MSWord ready for html. If you use the MSWord converter, it just creates a whole lot of garbage html stuff that you really don’t need. Thus, if I had known this neat and quick way to change my MSWord to html WITHOUT loosing my italics, I surely would have used it instead of copying and pasting each-and-every-chapter into my Dreamweaver (for FREE html software, try out Kompozer. I downloaded it and it works great!), and then I had to compare my MSWord document to the HTML to put the darn formats back in. Not fun. But this now saves me a lot of headaches.

I’ve edited Critique Circle’s instructions to make it more general.


You can convert bold, italics, underline and centered text in MS Word to html formatted text before copy/pasting your text into your html programming/code window. In this way, you will not loose your italics, for example, when you copy/paste. The below instruction explains how to do this with bold and then you can use the same steps for the other formats

To do that, open up MSWord document and then open your find-replace option (CTRL-H), and make sure you are working in a throwaway copy of your manuscript so that you don’t accidentally save over it.

In the find-replace dialog, make sure you have your focus in the “Find What” text box (just click it) and then click on the “More” button, at the bottom of the dialog. There is a “Format” drop-down button. Click that and select “Font”. Now, select “Font Style” and then “Bold” and click OK.

NOTE: There is an easier way. You can press CTRL-B to toggle bold, CTRL-i to toggle italics, CTRL-u to toggle underline and CTRL-e to toggle centered. Just remember to have your focus on the “Find what” box and use the “Clear formatting” or “No formatting” to clear out previous formatting before entering a new one (ex. it might say “Not Bold”, which is not the same as not searching for bold text. In this case you should hit CTRL-B again to clear the bold flag)

Under the “Find What” text box, you should now see “Format: Font: Bold”.

In the “Replace With” text box, enter [b]^&[/b] and click “Replace All”.

This will find every piece of Bold formatted text and encase it with [b] and [/b].

Do the same with italics, underline and center (that’s in the “paragraph” option group). In every case, make sure that the option you had before is no longer selected, so that only bold, italics or centered is shown below the “Find What” text box.

Even if you have text that is italics _and_ bold you use the same method.

Here are the codes you want to put into “Replace With”:

Bold: <strong>^&</strong>

Italics: <i>^&</i>

Underline: <u>^&</u>

Centered: <c>^&</c>


This part includes the following supported html coding the Kindle needs in order to look properly in their viewer. It will include the following things:

<a name=”TOC”/> for Table of Contents right before your Table of Contents

<a name=”start”/> for Go To Beginning where you want people to go when they first open your book

<a name=”cover”/> for Go To Cover where it will display your beautiful picture/cover of your book

<mbp:pagebreak/> for Page Breaks, which I mentioned in an earlier post

I researched if I needed to put the cover (<a name=”cover”/>) in my book or not. I couldn’t find anywhere where people were leaning more to the “to do” or “not to do”, so I left the cover out in my Kindle version. I can always insert the picture later on if I want. I read somewhere that I could put the cover at the end of the book, so that’s where I put it in the example below.

It also includes:

  • Table of Content in HTML
  • A bullet list in HTML
  • Dropped Case in HTML (The first letter of a chapter enlarged or larger)
  • A Glossary
  • A Prologue
  • About the Author
  • And stuff to put before the story begins (ISBN Number, Dedication, Website etc)

So, here goes my code. Hope it’s helpful.


<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html;charset=iso-8859-1″ />

<title>{Enter your Title of Book here}</title>



<center><h2>{Enter Prologue Title Here}</h2></center>


<p>{Start the prologue text here}</p>

<p>{And keep on typing it all up}</p>

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<br />

<p>This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.</p>



ISBN 10: {Enter Number}<br>

ISBN 13: {Enter Number}<br>


{Title of Book here}<br>

Copyright {Date} by {Author Name}<br>

All rights reserved.<br>

Published by {Name here}<br>

http://www.{web address}<br>


Cover Design by {Name here}<br>

http://www.{web address}<br>

<mbp:pagebreak />



To my family and friends who ….


<mbp:pagebreak />


<hr />

<font size=”+4″>{Title of Book Here}</font>

<hr width=”10%” />

<font size=”+1″>by {Author Name Here}</font><br />

<hr />

<br />


<mbp:pagebreak />

<center><h2><a name=”TOC”/></a>TABLE OF CONTENTS</h2></center>



<a href=”#Ch1″>Chapter 1 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<a href=”#Ch2″>Chapter 2 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<a href=”#Ch3″>Chapter 3 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<hr />

<a href=”#Glossary”><font size=”+2″>Glossary of Terms</font></a><br />

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<a name=”start”/></a><h2 id=”Ch1″>Chapter 1 – {Name of Chapter here}</h2>

<br />

<p><font size=”+4″><b>E</b></font>lephant went for a swim on a cool day. Begin novel story and stuff here.</p>

<p>Last Line of the chapter is here.</p>

<p> <br />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 id=”Ch2″> Chapter 2 – {Name of Chapter here}</h2>

<br />

<p><font size=”+4″><b>T</b></font>he sun went up and then down again.</p>

<p>Last Line of chapter and 1st part of book here.</p>

<p align=”center”><strong><em>The End</em></strong></p>

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 id=”Glossary”>Glossary of Terms</h2>

<p><strong>Magic:</strong> Used thooughout the entire Novel to make things sparkle and look pretty.<br />

Examples of certain techniques:


<li>Song ability</li>

<li> Animal ability</li>

<li> Water ability</li>


<p><strong>Poor:</strong> An individual in a state of despair and desperation.</p>

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 align=”center”>About the Author</h2>

<p> </p>

<p>Lori Jones is an instructor for elephant painting and dancing

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />


<h1>Other Books</h1>

Elephant? Where are you?<br>


<strong><font size=”3″>(Coming Soon…)</font></strong><br>

Elephant – Together at Last<br>

Mice and Elephant<br>



<strong><font size=”4″>The Tusk Series</font></strong><br>


Tusk – White and Shiny!<br>



<a name=”cover”/><img src=”” alt=”TheMade” longdesc=”TheMade.htm”>



Below Code is for Multiple Books within a Novel. It also includes:

  • Table of Content in HTML
  • A bullet list in HTML
  • Dropped Case in HTML (The first letter of a chapter enlarged or larger)
  • A Glossary
  • A Prologue
  • Book I and Book II (Book II has the Chapter Numbers starting from 1 again)
  • About the Author
  • And stuff to put before the story begins (ISBN Number, Dedication, Website etc)

So, here goes my code. Hope it’s helpful.


<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html;charset=iso-8859-1″ />

<title>{Enter your Title of Book here}</title>



<center><h2>{Enter Prologue Title Here}</h2></center>


<p>{Start the prologue text here}</p>

<p>{And keep on typing it all up}</p>

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<br />

<p>This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.</p>



ISBN 10: {Enter Number}<br>

ISBN 13: {Enter Number}<br>


{Title of Book here}<br>

Copyright {Date} by {Author Name}<br>

All rights reserved.<br>

Published by {Name here}<br>

http://www.{web address}<br>


Cover Design by {Name here}<br>

http://www.{web address}<br>

<mbp:pagebreak />



To my family and friends who ….


<mbp:pagebreak />


<hr />

<font size=”+4″>{Title of Book Here}</font>

<hr width=”10%” />

<font size=”+1″>by {Author Name Here}</font><br />

<hr />

<br />


<mbp:pagebreak />

<center><h2><a name=”TOC”/></a>TABLE OF CONTENTS</h2></center>



<p>BOOK I: </p>

<a href=”#Ch1″>Chapter 1 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<a href=”#Ch2″>Chapter 2 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<a href=”#Ch3″>Chapter 3 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />


<p>BOOK II: </p>

<a href=”#Ch1_1″>Chapter 1 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<a href=”#Ch1_2″>Chapter 2 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<a href=”#Ch1_3″>Chapter 3 {Name of Chapter}</a><br />

<br />

<a href=”#Glossary”><font size=”+2″>Glossary of Terms</font></a><br />

<mbp:pagebreak />


<hr />

<font size=”+4″>BOOK I</font>

<hr />


<mbp:pagebreak />

<a name=”start”/></a><h2 id=”Ch1″>Chapter 1 – {Name of Chapter here}</h2>

<br />

<p><font size=”+4″><b>E</b></font>lephant went for a swim on a cool day. Begin novel story and stuff here.</p>

<p>Last Line of the chapter is here.</p>

<p> <br />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 id=”Ch2″> Chapter 2 – {Name of Chapter here}</h2>

<br />

<p><font size=”+4″><b>T</b></font>he sun went up and then down again.</p>

<p>Last Line of chapter and 1st part of book here.</p>

<mbp:pagebreak />


<hr />

<font size=”+4″>BOOK II:</font>

<hr />


<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 id=”Ch1_1″>Chapter 1 – {Name of Chapter here}</h2>

<br />

<p><font size=”+4″><b>S</b></font>arah found a wonderful shade next to the elephange</p>

<p>Last line of Chapter here.</p>

<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 id=”Ch1_2″>Chapter 2 – {Name of Chapter here}</h2>

<br />

<p><font size=”+4″><b>W</b></font>ater fell down from the elephant into her eyes</p>

<p>Last line of Chapter here and last line of the entire book. Hurray! You’re finished! Good job!<br />

<br />

<br />

<p align=”center”><strong><em>The End</em></strong></p>

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 id=”Glossary”>Glossary of Terms</h2>

<p><strong>Magic:</strong> Used thooughout the entire Novel to make things sparkle and look pretty.<br />

Examples of certain techniques:


<li>Song ability</li>

<li> Animal ability</li>

<li> Water ability</li>


<p><strong>Poor:</strong> An individual in a state of despair and desperation.</p>

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />

<h2 align=”center”>About the Author</h2>

<p> </p>

<p>Lori Jones is an instructor for elephant painting and dancing

<hr />

<mbp:pagebreak />


<h1>Other Books</h1>

Elephant? Where are you?<br>


<strong><font size=”3″>(Coming Soon…)</font></strong><br>

Elephant – Together at Last<br>

Mice and Elephant<br>



<strong><font size=”4″>The Tusk Series</font></strong><br>


Tusk – White and Shiny!<br>



<a name=”cover”/><img src=”” alt=”TheMade” longdesc=”TheMade.htm”>



Okay. So, that’s what I used for my three (3) books for formatting. I hope this helps you guys out there with formatting from MSWord to HTML a little easier.

Note: the image html would look more like:

<a name=”cover”/><img src=”[imagenamehere].jpg” alt=”[ImageNameHere]”>

To see what it will look like, click <<here>>

Until next time…

How to format your Book – MSWord

NOTE: Want to watch an Instruction Video for the below that has a template? Just go to Deana Zhollis Writing Tools.

Sigh. Another milestone that I had to accomplish. Formatting my book.

I remember, somewhere in my mental database, authors complaining about page numbering and book layouts. I thought, “No big deal.” I’m pretty good with MSWord and such. Shouldn’t be any problems.


I can’t tell you how many hours and hours I spent trying to get my book to layout the way it’s suppose to. I never knew it could be so complicated. Hopefully I can remember all of my steps.

LuLu doesn’t really give you the “start pages” information–at least I didn’t see it with my quick overview. So, I pulled down five (5) books from my bookshelf and took a look at what they had, and on what pages. Every book was different. One might have a small snippet of the book on the very first page, while others had prologues on third or fifth page. Some had review quotes on the very first page, and other had the title of the book. So, basically, I had to just pick what I wanted. I put my beginning pages for my book in this order:

  • Page 1 – A snippet of the story
  • Page 2 – Copyright information, book designer, ISBN, “this book is fiction” info
  • Page 3 – Dedication
  • Page 4-6 – Illustrations
  • Page 7 – Table of Contents (go here on how to created on in MSWord)
  • Page 8 – blank
  • Page 9 – Book title

This part I’m not quite sure about since my book is so big. I’m not sure if I formatted for printing correctly. I’ll find out once I order my book and it comes in the mail. LuLu gives you some general information, and that all depends on the size of the book, so for my 461 pages (this page number counted changed several times–more on that later), I went on the internet and found some general information and Under FILE > PAGE SETUP formatted liked this.

  • Margins: Top, Bottom, Right, Left – All to 0.5
  • Gutter: .25 (This is the crease of the book)
  • Multiple page: Mirror margins
  • Paper size: Width 6″ and Height 9″
  • Layout: Section Start: Odd Page
  • Checked Different odd and even
  • Checked Different First page
  • From edge: Header 0.25″ and Footer 0.5″

Make sure to Apply to “Whole Document” for each tab of the Page Layout

  • FORMAT > PARAGRAPH…First Line Indent .25
  • Font Style: Palatino Linotype and Font Size: 12
  • Modify Heading 1 Style to have:
  • Paragraph: Alignment: Center
  • Hanging 1.2″
  • Spacing Before: 12pt and After: 6pt
  • Font Style: Palatino Linotype and Bold and Font Size: 14
  • Line Spacing: Single

I mostly got this format from the small publishing site called Trafford, but it’s not longer on their page.

Now, you remember the first list of pages on Step 1? After each page I put in a section break. After the “snippet” I put in INSERT > BREAK > EVEN PAGE. Remember, a book has a left and right side, so you have to tell MSWord how you want the pages to appear. You can just put Page Breaks and try to get the pages to line up right, but that’s pretty cumbersome to deal with. The very first page has to be on the right side, the ODD PAGE, so the PAGE SETUP makes sure of that. However, the Section Break (Even Page) makes sure the next page is on the EVEN PAGE. I had to alternate the Section break from Odd to Even for the first few pages before I got to my chapters, and then at the end of each chapter I enter a Section Break (Odd Page), to make sure all of my chapters begin on the right side of the book. To View how it would look, you have to see it in PRINT PREVIEW, and then select to see multiple pages.

This was a real pain to figure out

I initially had my book in Courier and double-space, your know, for sending it out the traditional way to publishing houses, as well as LEFT JUSTIFIED. But then I had to figure out the font I wanted to use for printing, and had to change the paragraphs to JUSTIFIED, as well as taking out the double-space after the period and inserting a single-space. I must be old to not know that we don’t need to double-space anymore. Sigh. The things we learn. So, I started off with Lulu, since my research said it was the easiest to use to get your feet wet. Not too easy! If LuLu is easy, then I hope I have enough experience there to go to CreateSpace!

Well, anyway, LuLu had a great section on book formatting, and basically gave me three choices of font: Garamond, Times New Roman and Palatino (there were others, but those were the basics). Well, then I started playing around with the fonts, and since I had a lot of italics, I had to pick a font that was readable in italics. Well, I started with Garamond, which was cool, but not so cool with italics. Times New Roman just didn’t look right to me, and so I went to Palatino, but in my MS Word I had Palatino Linotype. So, I figured that was the same thing. But I had different styles and fonts all over the place, even though I used Select All and changed the font to a universal one. LuLu still thought that there were fonts there that I knew I wasn’t using when I tried to upload. So I had to learn how to EMBED the font into my pdf file. This makes it so that if a document had a font that isn’t on someone’s PC then the PC can still read it. Fortunately for me, I have Adobe Converter, but for those who don’t, they find places for free like PDF2Go that converts to up to 100mb here without needing to purchase Adobe.

I also downloaded CutePDF which can convert jpg and almost anying to pdf by simply opening the jpg in your normal software (Like Microsoft Office Picture Manager or GIMP), select the FILE > PRINT, and change your printer to CutePDF Writer and it will convert it to pdf. And that software is FREE!! I also downloaded it from NiNite that has all kinds of neat stuff, including GIMP .

So embedding fonts directly into the document using these instructions got me half way there. It still didn’t recognize my fonts when I tried to upload, and then I found out there’s a NEVER EMBED section, that I had to take out all the fonts in there and convert my MSWord to pdf again.

Converting from MSWord to pdf, I tell you, takes some time. About 5-10 minutes for my PC. It might have been more if I had a slower PC.
And uploading takes even more time, 42 minutes LuLu told me, but on Thanksgiving, late in the evening, it took no time. So I would suggest uploading on non-peak hours.

You can created a barcode like places that have barcode generators like here and used GIMP to edit it and put it on my book cover. It looks a bit too big on the back of the book, but making it smaller diminished the print. So, when I do get the book, I’ll take a look at it. I found the size of a barcode, which they say is: 2.938″ wide x 2.04″, but like I said, using the free barcode converter, shrinking the size didn’t look too good.

You have to upload your book cover separate, and also in pdf format, not picture format, for LuLu. Since my book cover was in jpg, and I already had Adobe, I just open the jpg in Adobe and it automatically converted. But as I said, you can also install CutePDF and print it out as a pdf file (Did I mention that software was free. Heh.Heh.). Also, I had to resize the image to LuLu’s standards, which they give an example of a 6″ by 9″ book will need an image 6.125″ by 9.25″. But, again, since my book has so many pages, my size was 956.25 X 666, suggested by LuLu, but GIMP (remember, GIMP is free) converted it to 956.6 X 664.8. LuLu took that size just fine though. I didn’t have to do all this since my book designer is going to provide the formats and files for my book so I could use, but I wanted the experience on doing all of this just in case I needed it.

Remember all those section breaks? Well that really helps with my Header. I went to the second page after my first chapter title and put in the author’s name. Author’s name will run on the even page numbers. Then I went to the fourth page and enter the book’s title, and that will run on the odd page numbers. This is setup on the FILE > PAGE SETUP where I put a checked mark by “Different odd and even and check mark by “Different First page”. The “Different First page” allows for each first page of a chapter (remember, separated by Odd Page Section breaks) so that a page number is not printed. I wanted to have each chapter with the Chapter’s name on the Odd page, but with the numbering issue, needing it to continually run chronologically just in case I had to add more or delete more text, having separate Chapter names effected my page number since each section had to be different from previous section. I left it as simple as possible with the running Title and running Author Name. I inserted a page number, using the Header and Footer toolbar, and then clicked the Format Page Number, and changed the Page Numbering to start at 1. I had to start at 1 in order for 2 to show up. If I wanted the page to star with the number 1, I would have had to put in a zero (0). After a few trail and errors of making sure the Header was, or was not, “Linked to Previous” section I finally got it. It’s doesn’t make since though, since my 2nd page is “Linked to Previous” section and though it shows the title of the author in “Header and Footer” right after my Table of Contents, when I’m out of that mode, it doesn’t show but where I want it. Go figure. But I did have to go to each chapter and make sure the Page Numbering had “Continue from previous section” instead of “Start at” where each chapter started with page number 2

Now, just waiting for LuLu to give me the ok, to order my book. In the mean time, I went to and registered my ISBN, and hope that everything works out okay with the first print.