Posts Tagged ‘what do I need to self-publish’

My first steps to Self Publishing

Here is a list of the first things I did when starting to Self Publish

The reason I decided to Self Publish was because I wanted to get more involved with my books, and plus, honestly, I didn’t want to wait on the slush pile. I did the research online on all the cons of self publishing and how it has a certain stigma, but I figure, if I could spend thousands of dollars for a wedding which is ONE DAY, for someone that I love, why can’t I do just as much time and effort on something that I love. It is said not to think about making a profit or being a big time Best Seller, though we all dream of such things. I have come to a decision to at least TRY. So…here I am, and I’m going to try. I’ll put in the effort, do the research, and stumble my way to selling my books. And if I just get a few strangers to buy and actually like it, that would be wonderful to me.

Step 1 – Write the Book
Of course is to write your book. Some people have a problem with this first step, but since I’ve been writing since I was 12 years old, not novels mind you, but writing period. My first novel took a few years, and the 2nd took exactly 1 year. The rest, NaNoWriMo helped me on that. National Novel Writing Month was great! You just write and write. You don’t worry about grammer or spelling or anything mechanical. Just write. This helped me with books 3-5.

Step 2 – Copyright
I’ve sent my books off to the CopyRight Office. Not one at a time, but I lumped them all together on one CD as I completed them, along with my short stories. In this way, I saved money for each of them. When my books are completed in paperback format, I’ll have to research how to send in for copyright then. But I saw you can do it electronically now. When I did them it was still in paper format. CopyRight Office.

Step 3 – ISBN
Since I’m planning to continue writing more books, and I have five (5) already, I went ahead and purchased the block of 10 ISBN numbers from U.S. ISBN Agency. It cost me $275.00. I didn’t buy the barcode since I found out I could get it done for free here. You can buy indiviudal ISBN numbers, however for $125.00. There are some companies who offers ISBN in their packages, but make sure, from what I’ve researched, that you own the ISBN number and not the company.

Step 4 – Editor
I found my Editor on Guru. And I also asked for them for editting samples. There are those who are reluctant to do that because there are people who just try to get free services. But if you explain that you just want 1 sheet editted to make a decision on who you want to edit your book, some will agree to do that for you. I found that it was easy for me to figure out which editor I would like to edit my book with how they editted the sample. I’m in the middle of this stage with editting my first book of The Calling Series: The Made. This is costing me $700.00

Step 5 – Book Cover
I’m in the middle of this step, but I did some research. I found someone to do the art and current after the 1st and 2nd draft, we’re not into coloring now. I also found a Book Cover designer on Guru as well. This is costing me $400.00

Step 6 – Blogging
This is the step I doing now. Heh. Heh. And I’m just started but it’s going to help me stay encourage as I go along.

Step 7 – DBA
Went to the County office and picked up a DBA (“Doing Business As”). In Houston, Texas, I had to look for “Assumed Name” however. I got one for my pen name, seeing that I’m into writing steamy Romance novels; but it’s not for being anonymous. Can’t be if you’re famous. But it will help so that the guys in the suit don’t walk to my office and say, “Uh…your image…” LOL!. I got an Assumed Name for a publishing company as well…just in case I need it. I didn’t add the word “Publishing” so that I can use it for anything I might want to in the future. I’ll just add “A Publishing Company” if that is what I will use it for. I’ll have both names for 10 years and then I’ll have to renew.

Step 8 – Promoting Online
I’m simply gathering information on promoting online and the kosher way of doing this. I don’t want to spam bulletin boards or blogs with “Buy my Book…Please!” LOL! But I’ve learned if you honestly add you input in areas, and have your signature with you website, then you don’t look so selfish.

So that’s where I am so far. I’ll add more as I get to these few steps and tell you the yeahs and nays of my progress. I continue to research other steps at places such as So You Need to Publish Your Book, and watch other authors doing to same as:
Michael R. Hicks (Kreelan Warrior).
Write it! Publish it! Market it!

I actually put in a order for Michael Hick’s book, and if I’ve done that just by researching other authors self publishing, I’m sure other readers and writers (who are also readers) would probably do the same here. And the word would spread.
Until next time….